Little Leagues of the Westside - The Best Side

Upper Division Baseball

 The Upper Divisions of Little League Baseball include:

The Intermediate Division or 50/70, is a transition Division for Little Leaguers  11-12 and 13 Year old. This Division allows for a smaller field, 70' Between bases and 50' Pitcher's Plate, to better acclimate Players for their move up to the 90' Diamond, that they may play on in High School Level Baseball and above. Players may also Participate in Major Division Baseball, 9-12 Years old Players,

The Junior Division - is made up of 12-14 Year old Players on a Full 90' Diamond.

The Senior Division - is made up of 15-16 Year old Players on a Full 90' Diamond.

All 3 Divisions Play Games under a Interleague format, which means that the Representatives of the Respective Divisions meet and exchange Information on Number of Teams, Field availability, and Local Ground Rules and a Fair Schedule of Games is developed ( POSTED BELOW). The Representatives also agree to follow a set of Interleague Rules, (POSTED BELOW), Due to Changes over the Season the Leagues involved in a Game may change Date and Time or Venue with proper notice to All Parties involved including District 25 Representative.

2022 junior baseball field locations.docx

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